Jackson's first big boy hair cut was last week! I knew it was time for a haircut when his hair could practically be put in piggytails! Here's the before picture, with the long lush curls...
And the "after" ... not the best picture of Jackson, but anyway, I think he looks so much older! Joyce did a great job!! (Incidentally, Jackson also had his first doughnut at the same time as the first haircut...and it kept him busy enough that he sat pretty still!) For the first few days, Jack wasn't quite used to his new look. He would always play with his curls when he got tired, and without them there, he didn't quite know what to do! Still today, anytime anyone says something about a haircut, he puts his hands on the back of his head.
One last picture... a few nights ago, we went out for ice cream. Jackson enjoyed sharing his vanilla baby cone with Jon...it was so sweet...after every bite Jack took, he'd offer Jon a bite. Here he is saying "all done" after finishing off his ice cream.
In other news, today is our 3rd anniversary! We weren't planning to do anything special, since we are going to NY in a few weeks, but last night Carol called and offered to keep Jack for us, so we decided to take her up on it and go out to dinner! I'm looking forward to dinner tonight at El Rodeo, one of our favorite places that we haven't been for a long long time! God has blessed us with 3 great years, and blessed me with a husband who I am realizing more and more every day, is the perfect match for me!! I am so thankful for a husband who is patient, hard-working, hilarious, kind, forgiving, and loving!
Happy Anniversary. Sorry im a little late! Hope you guys had a nice dinner. Miss and Love you guys!
ps. since i didnt get to say happy anniversary on the big day, ill babysit so you guys can go out again when i come home!!:)
That husband of your wasn't too patient...or forgiving...when I had him strapped down, trying to put make-up on him as a kid...I guess things change, huh?
~Jena (Of course, if anyone else were writing this, it would be even sicker.)
happy anniversary! i can't believe it's been 3 years...we're so stinking old! :) jackson is looking very cute, as always. did you get my reply to your email? any plans yet?
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