Last week my parents came to visit for a few days and brought Jackson a special present! Someone had given them this adorable Sesame Street Monster Truck. Thanks Pap and Grandy! So far he hasn't quite figured out how to move his feet to make the truck go, but he loves turning the steering wheel and talking on the cell phone.
We're having a great week...beautiful weather, not as hot as it has been. Jack and I "went to the beach" this morning out on our deck...he played in his pool and I read Harry Potter. Amazing that he sat and played in his pool for an hour...ever since he's started walking, he hasn't stopped! He just toddles around the house from room to room laughing. It's quite cute!
cute picture ang
Oh hon, I'm so happy to see my little "Bubba"! He looks adorable in his car - I'm so glad that he enjoys it.
Sure do wish that I could see him walking! I bet it's just too cute!
Hug him for us and love ya... Mom
Jackson is adorable....
So, I was thinking about you today and how I miss you and our good times with Mrs. Nier. I was also thinking how nice it would be if you jumped on the facebook bandwagon (or let me know if you are already aboard). Just saying is all...
Ang, we have reservations at Deener's or Diener's or something like that at 5:00 Friday night and added you in, so hope to see you!
Angie, how old is Jackson?? I can't remember....I sure wish my little boy would be walking. I'm really tired of the skinned up knees, from crawling on the driveway...terrible. He stands by himself, but is content to sit back down and crawl away....ugh!!
what a cute kid! i miss you (and i'm wondering about facebook too, b/c i'm on now)
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