Friday, February 15, 2008

A Great Valentine's Day!

Wow, what a fun Valentine's Day we had this year! Jon called me around 6 am from work to tell me that Jena's water had broken and she'd be on her way to the hospital soon - WOW! Talk about unexpected! Needless to say, there was no more sleep after that, but it was definitely an exciting way to begin the day!

Jackson and I went to a Valentine's party at a friend's house that was so special - the kids helped the moms make little pizzas for lunch, and we also ate heart shaped cupcakes! Jackson had a great time at the party and slept ALL afternoon after all the excitement!

We gave Jackson his Valentine's presents - a stuffed animal fox (again from Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss) and a Captain Hook hat, hook & sword for his dress-up box. He LOVED all his presents and still has barely let go of the fox. After our dinner of heart-shaped meatloaf we went over to see Joelle, Marc & Owen and await baby news. We were so excited to hear that baby Avalyn Jean was born! She weighed 6 lbs 5 oz - a great size for being at least 3 weeks early! I was able to go to the hospital later in the evening with Joelle & Marc and hold her....soooo tiny! It is hard to remember that Jackson was once almost that small!! I would love to post a picture but I'm bummed that I forgot to take my camera last night! Adorable - just take my word for it :) We are hoping to go back this afternoon so Jon and Jackson can meet little Ava.
Congratulations Ryan, Jena & Owen!!


KK said...

Yeah! Congrat on your new niece! What a neat Valentine's Day present!

Jen said...

Absolutely the best Valentine's ever - so excited for the entire family! Congrats, Aunt Angie!