Sunday, November 4, 2007

daylight savings

Daylight Savings is usually my favorite time of the year....the "fall back" one that is.... LOVE that extra hour of sleep without feeling guilty. And if you know me, you know that I love sleep and seem to require more than most other humans do or even should. So this is seriously a "holiday" I look forward to! Seems like there's always someone to make fun of who misses it and shows up somewhere an hour early. Well this year, it was us!! I had absolutely NO CLUE that last night was THE chance to get an extra hour of guilt-free sleep! We got up this morning at 645, like usual on Sunday, because we go to the early service. We got totally ready, (even managed to be what we thought was a little early), drove to church, and there were about 3 cars in the parking lot. Hmmm. This confused us because we aren't supposed to go back to one service until December. So we saw a few people getting out of their cars and drove down and asked them....even though they were all on the worship team, it still never dawned on us. Finally we figured it out, and came home, which is where I am now, waiting for a few more minutes until we can go back to church! The funny thing is....I had never heard about daylight savings being this weekend, but Jon had, and just forgot about it! But it still didn't dawn on him until much later than it should have :) Well, I guess I'll have to wait until next year for that guilt-free hour of sleep!

Random side note: I'm having a MODBE clothing party Monday, November 19, from 630-830. All of you are welcome! I am a skeptic with home parties but I went to a Modbe party a few weeks ago and their clothes are amazing!! Very flattering to every body shape, modest necklines, and still very stylish! Here's a cool thing...supposedly you can even wear them before, during, and after pregnancy, and they should retain their shape! Anyway, let me know if you are interested in coming and I can give you more details!


Anonymous said...

that stinks..i have a semi-similar story- i was fine with the time change this morning but tonight marc and i were an hour early for a pizza and wings football party...kinda embarrassing:) ~JO
ps- did you hear im going to florida on thursday?

Anonymous said...

oh wow, that is so funny and sad all at the same time! i think you should still get the guilt-free sleep, so just do it. you can pretend that everyone else is doing it too.

oh, thanks for the party invitation, but i probably won't be able to make it. maybe next time.

Anonymous said...

Thats hilarious!!! :-) How in the world did you both accomplish not knowing it was this weekend!!! :-) Korts
PS love Jacksons dragon outfit!!!