Thursday, September 4, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

We had a fun weekend with friends at a cabin near Williamsport, PA. The kids enjoyed playing outside together and getting dirty! The adults loved putting the kids to bed early and playing games!! Here's a few pics....
and for your enjoyment.......
Again with the freakish faces when I tell him to smile! (I know, I shouldn't have called my own son freakish!)
PS...I had a dentist appointment today and although I am sometimes still in some pain, the report is that I am much improved after only one week! I go back again in 3 weeks for another checkup.


Jen said...

Hey, Mike is having problems with his jaw - can't chew or bite down on anything and it hurts up toward his ear - could he have the same thing as you? Glad to hear you're getting better!

Jena said...

It is getting a little tricky to check e-mail and blogs with Aves trying to sleep behind me in her crib. I have to be so quiet...when I got to that last picture of Jack, I laughed out LOUD and she is now fussing...thanks a lot Jack! :-)

Nancy said...

I love the 'new' smile. Hannah is also in the funny smile phase. I am really really hoping that it is over before we take our Christmas card pictures.

Anonymous said...

wow, that is quite a smile! i hope your poor jaw feels better soon. i have a thing that i wear only at night and only sometimes (usually if i'm stressed out...), so i kind of know the jaw pain you're talking about. if you ever take a picture (and you should) you should definitely post it!